Saturday, June 8, 2024


This is a photo of William Jones of Nephi, just before his death in 1947. He is the son of Edward and Martha Jackson Jones of Nephi, Utah. He married Elizabeth Tolley in 1885, which was a weeks travel to the Logan, Utah LDS Temple. In her journal, Liz reported the two weeks traveling in a horse and buggy was a "very delightful" trip. Together, they had bought most of the land when the Norton brothers gave it up as they were not used to the hard work. The Jones and Tolley family farmed it for several years and built two irrigation ponds, that are still visible from the hazardous freeway, cutting through some of the best farming ground around as well as the pure water from Mt. Nebo. Their children were Wm Loray (who died at four); Erma Jones Garrett; Eddie(who died three weeks later). Will Jones was then called on an LDS Mission back to the British Isles where his father and mother were born. Will's wife- Liz was pregnant with Vic Jones, but supported the "Calling From God" and left the Ranch to Will's brother-Edward(the second) and other great people of Nortonville. Wm. was then off to jolly ole England, without purse, but did take a small Book of Mormon and two Journals with him. He would often stay with family members that remained in the British Isles-who also fetched food and bed for he and Elder McPherson from Nephi. Liz Jones moved in with her mother-Sarah Warren Tolley, which house is still standing by the old Hollow on Nephi Main Street, until Vic was born in 1893. When William returned from his mission, and took up ranching again in Nortonville, along came Dell, Pearl(Ockey), Grant, Alma, Bert and Norma(Kay). To us Jones kids, we loved and cherished any time we could visit our Uncles and Aunts and their kids and the kids children, as Alma and LaVon didn't hook up their wedding wagon til later in life, so the Jones kids came along about every ten months when Alma, the Cash man-came home from World War Two. Blame it on the good water of Nortonville. The photo shows Wm. Jones standing by the Jones Family home on 7th North and Main, standing by the wooden fence surrounding the once quite and peaceful homestead, waiting for the Mailman, who came twice a day to Deliver De Letter De Sooner De Better. 

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