Friday, September 6, 2024


While doing a little written jargon with former Nephite Tracy Booth, we commented on some of the good people around about. We both conceded that one of the best families in Utah are the Wright Family of Milford and Beaver. To many of us, rodeo folks are about the only true sports hero's we have left, other than our Veterans. Tracy compared his father in law-Elwood Jenkins to Grandpa Bill Wright. He and his wife Evelyn are the parents of  13 kids, with the sons being in the Saddle Bronc competition while the daughters help Bill run their ranches. They have experienced injuries' as well as tragedy. But their faith in each other and their affirmation of their Mormon faith continues to bind them together. As I was once on the Nephi City Council, and experienced some discontent, as some of those I sat with seemed to  do away with the rural vision of Nephi, and raise prices of property and bring train loads of people and to build and build and build with no room to have gardens. One leader maintained that Nephi had plenty of water, but  it appeared he had no real knowledge of the State or Nephi, as we are and always have been dang dry. And talking to Juab County, the Assessor felt it was their duty to raise Property Taxes now to fit the slew of people that want to live here but compute to higher wages up north. I felt like our area was on a spiral downhill. It was not just the elected officials, but "selected" people by those who appeared to just want more money for themselves or to be hired by the people and business that were brought in as that have already been done by those who were booted out.. As I was often the only one that wanted to preserve our history, culture and friendly town, I felt the burden of the older folks were being taxed to death and we were encouraged to be less open about the raises to them. Tracy and others wanted me to run for Mayor and I wanted him to run for Bishop of an LDS Ward. If I ran for Mayor, there would be little chance I could persuade the voting Council Members who seemed bound and determined for growth and to get more money, but for themselves, not the people that move in and drive like a bat out of hell and permit the heavy loaded trucks to ruin the roads and cause accidents;, by hitting the railroad tracks at high speeds. But since I like to be of service to others, I will tell Tracy Booth that I will run for a Bishop for an LDS Ward, if he will run for Nephi Mayor and lead Nephi out of the apparent dismiss of our Ruralville. But I ran in to a road block by talking to a local Stake President. It may take a while, as I like to commit sins and it just may take a year or two to repent of my wicked ways. But dang it, I like to sin. And the second road block, I guess I have to get married. I tried that once and it lasted 16 years and shy about another go at it. But perhaps I can find a weekend wife, as I  watched  a TV series recently and well, I was love stricken, and having done several Hollywood movies, most of which were as Extra, I put in a call to my former Agent. He said something like "Fat Chance" but he used some foul language I can't repeat here. I am in love with Kelly Reilly, who  plays the role of Beth Dutton but dang she is already hitched. Now what ? I need a Bitchy but Sweet wife, but one that can bring hell and fire to members who are acting up, if I am to be the Bishop


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