Monday, September 2, 2024


During my hikes in the country of North Wales, which is in the British Isles, I spent a month doing research on my mothers forefathers, being the Harris Family. That was during 1967 but spent time there on two other occasions. Much of my search of family history lead to the Church of England (C of  E), which were in the various Parish's. The C of E broke off from the Catholic Religion during the reign of King Henry the Eighth when the Pope refused to grant him a divorce during the 1500's. Perhaps.......only perhaps, divorces are now easy to come by as Kings no long chop the heads of wives off. And maybe, just maybe, the other wives prayed to have King Henry the Eighth die from Syphilis or so the legend is. One thing for sure, VD is nothing to Clap about. Now back to Harris research. Other times, I spent much time walking through the cemeteries, as many of them are in the Parish grounds. If one goes to many parts of Germany and visits their pubs, it is permittable to pretend the urinals are against the wall outside which may be called a Kneip, Bar or Tavern. In other European countries, there is often only one open restroom and used openly by men and women. If one travels to the countries in the Pacific Rim such as Viet Nam, a man or woman wanting to use a regular toilet is normally out of luck. They do have an open door policy with a large hole in a corner where you brace yourself against the wall and do your business. Learn to bring your own paper and hand wipes. The first time a gal needs to go, a gentleman may stand to protect their privacy when other folks that walked in to the corners. Same thing applies to Central and South America, and many of us, both men and women bathed in nearby waters, as they do in Mexico. Once doing the restroom routine in Mexico, some loose an interest in eating Mexican food. In England, the TP is thin like pages from Look and Life, which we used on the farm in two holers. And it is okay to call them PC;s as that stands for Public Convenience. Or call them Johns or Crappers, as it was there where John Crapper invented the water above the toilet and you  pull the chain to let more water on the roof in. And no more visits to Paris for me. Sewage glows in to Sein River. NOW  ONE LAST WARNING. IF YOU TRAVEL TO THE BEATIFUL ISLANDS OF JERSEY, SARK OR GUERNSEY IN THE CHANNEL ISLANDS, ALWAYS ASK TO GO IN A REGULAR PRIVATE RESTROOM. IF YOU DON'T HAVE WATER IN THE BOWL DON'T PULL THE CHAIN. THE ISLANDS ARE FULL OF NAZI BUNKERS AND HAVE AWFUL PUNISHMENTS BY HANGING YOU ON A WALL THAT WAS A FORTRESS AGAINST BOTH NAPOLEON AND HITLER.   

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