Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Although many followers of Jesus do not believe Christ gave continued life on earth to John the Beloved til the Savior returns, but many do. And many Mormons or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints believe that after the crucifixon of Christ on the Cross in the Middle East, he was resurrected and proceeded to come to the land that eventually became the America's. Christ visited the people that was here as recorded in the Book of Mormon. Although this writer is a sinner of the rules of the LDS, I am a firm believer in that the Book of Mormon is a written history like the New Testament of the Bible. After teaching and preaching to the people of the Americas and prior to his departure back to God, he felt very proud of his twelve disciples or Apostles here and three of those followers chose to remain on earth like John the Beloved and could Tare with no physical harm coming to them. As such, there have been many books and writings of sightings of the "Three Nephites" reporting the good and noble deeds they are doing until Jesus the Christ returns. If one could establish the facts, their just may be more people to offer their  "sightings" of Big Foot or "Sasquatch". Once again, this writer believes that John the Beloved and The Three Nephites or helping with good deeds on earth, but today we write of the sightings of "The Two Nephites"'. Elder Howarth is in the white shirt, and on a LDS Mission in Alaska. The taller guy is Gary B Jones of Nephi. They are distant cousins as their great-great grandfather is Edward Jones who was an arriving Mormon Pioneer to Nephi in 1852. Elder Horwath's grandparents are Mark and Patty Jones of Nephi. In Alaska, Gary is know as G.B. Jones, who was an Army Ranger during the Viet Nam Era; raced the thousand mile Sled dog race known as the Iditarod; returned LDS Missionary, and a well know author, with his most recent book entitled "Whisper's of the Trail', a copy of which he presented to Elder Howarth.

1 comment:

  1. After I read this entry, I waited patiently for Elder Howarth (Mark Jones's grandson) to pay us another visit, so I could proudly show him this great writeup. Upon Elder Howarth's return visit to my home, I eagerly showed him this article, wherein he told me that he had already read it! His mom had beat me to the draw. I kind of feel sorry for Elder Howarth's companion (Elder Jensen) as I am always chatting with Elder Howarth about my great home town of Nephi!

    Another great write-up, Kent! Thanks!

    -Gary B.
