Monday, January 9, 2017

All Give Some, Some Give All. January 9th is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

Today is the day to get the LEAD out. It is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Of the seven officers we list, two were killed in the line of duty and both acts were linked to local law enforcement and our communities. Additionally, each of those cops contributed in other areas such as the military; church or civic activities. Randy Ingram not only had 20 years of service with the National Guard, but worked for Nephi City; Juab County and Dick's Service. Ray Jackson not only served as the Juab County Sheriff, but went on to serve as the Utah Public Safety Director and a Major in Nephi's 145th Field Artillery, fighting the Japanese Empire during World War II. Ray Jackson and Beaver Police Chief Gerald Nowers had the same "old school" ways of being a cop. If you did a misdeed, they either took you up the street and kicked your butt or took you to your parents, and they kicked your butt. Chief Nowers kicked butt all the way up "Battle of The Bulge". Pete Hayward was short and stocky, with the same girth and grit as Gene Fullmer. You didn't want to box either of them. Pete learned to be tough in the Navy. For a cop, you couldn't ask for a better guy to be arrested by than Capt. Glen Cahoon. He could talk you in to surrendering with no shots fired. Jim Simmons could arrest you, but take you fishing once the matter was finished. I pay tribute to these cops and all others who serve us. Sgt. Wride stood for what Utah is all about-family, the deer hunt, riding horses and service.

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