Tuesday, January 31, 2017

It seems that many people no longer have trust in the media for truthful news so have to go to the King of Tweeter.

Because of what appears to be in your face exploitation, I haven't watched the TV news for about forty years. However, I have the time to read all newspapers I can get a hold of. I can be more selective in what I choose to read, then do my own research before making a judgment or protesting. However, I was somewhat taken back when I read the headlines in Utah's Deseret News. Most of the headlines made sense such as "U.S. Steel, China sign $1 billion mining deal" and "Storm sinks 3 ships, drops snow on Riviera." With the protests going on-justified or not, I thought it may be over the edge when it declared "Protesters face U.S. deportation". My news today is real news, but real deceptive, perhaps like anything we read or see on the TV news. The Deseret News I was reading was printed in 1979. And yes, there was good news back then, such as hamburgers selling for three for a dollar and gas at 52 cents a gallon. Just be careful how you read "news". It may not always be the real truth.

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