Sunday, January 22, 2017

The toxic smog in the valley of salt penetrated the unhealthy air.....

The toxic smog penetrated the Salt Lake Valley of unhealthy air on Sunday, Jan. 21, 2014, so I decided to escape and drive to Nephi, then up the canyon to Salt Creek, with the intent to fish. Most folks don't drive there in the winter, so it was nice to drive without people who always seem to be in such a hurry to go nowhere. The snow was three feet deep on both sides, but the road had been plowed and good to drive on. It is no longer easy to find a Utah road to take a leisure Sunday drive on, so I took my time, enjoying the magnificence of Mother Nature-in all her glorious splendor. The nearby creek had the crisp and fresh water flowing down with no apparent destination, but it hurried with great intent. The barren trees were at a standstill of growth, but their bark absorbed the moisture of the frost which produced a beautiful glaze with clear blue skies in the background. During that awe inspiring drive, I noticed a moving creature on the snow covered road at some distance from me. Although there was little ground in which to find feed or cover, it darted from left to right, then back to the left, unable to jump over the snow drift. I slowed, as I didn't want to interrupt whatever process I was watching. The closer I came, the more unclear it was to identify it. It had the darkness of a squirrel, and yet larger than those I have seen. It appeared to be grey. Perhaps it was a fox or of that species. As I drew closer, I could tell it wasn't a squirrel as there was no tail on it. I then quickly dispelled that thought, as it was possible that in the cold winter months, perhaps it shed that bushy appendage. I continued to slow down so as to watch the magnificence of the maneuverability of such a creature. The closer I came, the more relentless it darted back and forth, little knowing of my amazed curiosity. I was so caught up with the whole process, I didn't realize how quickly I had actually picked up speed, and it was then, only then, I recognized my left front tire hit it. It was too late to brake, and I was expecting a thump thump as the left back tire also struck it. But there was no noise or texture to the creature. I then stopped to exam what in tarnation I had watched and struck. I felt relieved when nobody had watched or knew what I did.........I struck and hit......a plastic bag.

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