Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Cattle Call

Great steaks come from great cattle and great cattle come from a great combination of cattle hands; "doctoring equipment" and the Juab County Livestock Association working with the Uinta National Forest. It has been that way for a long time, although the cost of "Salting and Herding" may have changed from 40 cents a head in 1946. As we toured local cattle gatherings last week, we found 15 to 20 working hands at the Meryl McPherson feed yard branding, tagging and doctoring cattle. When we got to the Nephi Garrett Ranches, my co-pilot-Ron Jones tried to convince Wade Garrett's son he didn't have to make his fat beef "pretty" by cleaning it before it became steak. We found out he was just getting it ready for the Juab County Fair Weigh-in, so that youngin taught us oldies a lesson, but all in all Juab County Beef look prime....right now! A hundred years ago, they just branded and put metal tags on the ears, but now adays they put on the color coated plastic tags so at round up time, they can easily see whose cattle belongs to who, and the cow and calf have the same number. Since the cattleman have now lost a good friend in Dave Carter, hopefully all steak lovers can help watch for the cattle rustler and other non steak lovers who cause wanton destruction to the cattle family.

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