Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Norma.....the "Bookeeper" of Juab County in 1926.

During prohibition days, Al Capone was reported as the most well known mobster that committed or ordered murder and mayhem in Chicago during the 1920's. It wasn't until 1931, that he was committed to federal prison, but only on tax evasion, after they twisted the arm of the bookkeeper for "Scarface". Today's concern is what we should do with the ledger we just found, containing financial transactions of a questionable company in Nephi, Utah of 1926! It details money paid out for "barrels" and payments to non-existent hotels such as "Palace Hotel" and "Imperial Hotel". The bookkeeper was named "Norma" and her brother went by the alias of "Cash". Do we try to get this ledger to Elliot Ness, or say what was done is done, and just hand it over to the daughters of Norma, who live in Utah, Juab and Millard County! If you read the front page of the ledger, you can rest at ease, as 17 year old Norma was just doing school work to learn to be a bookkeeper. Norma was born a beautiful girl, and passed away a first class beautiful woman of integrity and charm. Her brother was Alma Coyn Jones, who was nicknamed "Cash".

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