Thursday, April 20, 2017

Our reflections after attending the Juab Board of Education Meeting

The parking lot was full for last night's Board of Education meeting, so I parked in the nearby LDS church parking lot. When I entered the packed room, it felt like I was at a church meeting, as there was gleeful chatter and kids galore. I couldn't figure why all 84 chairs were being utilized, but I soon caught on. They were honoring school employees, students and local business' who assisted with school functions. It was impressive to see the positive support. After the certificates and awards were handed out, people quickly scattered like it was the end of a church service, heading for a buffet. When they got to the School Board Agenda, I was the only irregular citizen that remained, excluding The Times News reporter and five school employees who appeared to be on a stand by mode to answer potential questions from the Board. I decided not to share the newly discovered report card of my Uncle-Ren Harris from 1903-04. Instead, we will share it with the world. Lorenzo Harris only had a 6th grade education, but did well in life, not only helping his parents- Evan and Eliza Hitesman Harris of Nephi, Utah, USA, but dutifully serving his country in World War One. Private First Class Ren Harris (2 261 193 Company I, 362nd Infantry-Army of the United States) then returned to spent his days as a sheepherder and employee of Twin Peaks Livestock and to keep pennies in jars to give to his delighted nieces and nephews. He passed away in 1967, suffering the effects of toxic gases while serving in the trenches of France. Today, we pay honor to Ren Harris, but also to the Juab School folks. Teacher George A. Sperry did well 114 years ago, as did his sisters-Mable Sperry and Alean Sperry Pace who were also teachers. My impression from last night's Board meeting is.... the kids within this school district.......remain in good hands.

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