Sunday, June 18, 2017

After fighting politicians for 42 years, I now want to become one!

For some reason, during my 42 years of working in the criminal justice system, I seemed to have a hard time getting along with most politicians who I worked for or with. They seem to start out with good motivations, but soon lost their way as to who they were really serving. So, after three years of retirement, I decided to throw my John Deere hat in the political ring and run for a seat on the Nephi City Council and serve for the right reason. It seems way too hot to start campaign stuff, so I will hold off contacting people, but thought I would put the world on notice, especially those that have the voting power in my home town. As a potential politician, I can promise just one thing.........I promise not to make any promises!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to see you are doing this! I can't think of anyone more qualified that always has the best interests for the people of Nephi at heart and the intelligence to get things done. Anyone who had read your blog can clearly see how deep those roots go and fruits of the present connected with the past. All the best Kent Jones, Nephi would be blessed by your service!!
