Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Tunnel Lunch was a well known spot in downtown Nephi a hundred years ago.

The Tunnel Lunch was built in Nephi around a hundred years ago, and started as a Café and Confectionery, but then may..... just may.....have become a place where they served "aged" root beer, at least I have heard that rumor from two different sources over the years. The Tunnel was built by "Duke" Claridge, but later run by George Duckworth. We recognize his name as he owned the X. L. Bakery in 1914 and delivered pies, cakes, bread and ice cream from his shop that eventually became the Smiths Bakery south of where the Colonial Manor was. Now back to the "Tunnel Suds". The last owner was Bernell Lunt. Our sources say that at one time The Tunnel was a place for intoxicating beverages, and on one occasion, two guys driving a team up from the fields stopped in the back for a nightcap, after hauling hay on a sleigh. We are not yet permitted to admit who these two well known family members are, but we can write what one of them did. He decided to bring one of the plug horses in the back door for a little fun, but because the Tunnel was so small, he couldn't get it turned around and had to take it out the front door, where busy local shoppers were a little stupidified by what they saw. So the story goes anyway! The Tunnel was located on West Main between Wells Fargo driveway and Krowe's Barber Shop in Nephi, Utah.

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