Saturday, June 10, 2017

The downtown beautification project looks great, but then Nephi has since at least 1872!

We recently discovered an Abstract of Title prepared in 1905. Back then, they listed each of the prior people that owned Plat "A" Lot 3, Block 28, so we thought it would be fun to list some of them from 1872 to 1905. In 1872, the United States Government ordered the Judge to make the order to use the land "for the several use and the benefit of the inhabitants of the townsite of Nephi". Horse Shoes was owned by John Robertson and the Enterprise Grocery owner was Jude Pexton. In that photo, you can still see today-the same brick and window frames in the store that was recently called "Twelve Tribes". Along with the Pexton family other local names are Whitmore;  Broadhead's; Webb's; Sparks; Goldsbrough Livery Stable; Andrew Love and the "Ostler and Allen" business. That area is now Boutique On Main; Nebo Vision and Remember Your Memories, but I can't find my scanned photo, so that is a good reason to go visit them. We even got a new Barber Shop in town.

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