Sunday, June 4, 2017

This is Nephi, Utah's version of beauties and beasts.

The first photo is of five beauties of Nephi, Utah, dating back to August, 1962. It was at the home of Vic and Alberta Jones on 6th North and Main. From left to right are Erma Jones Garrett, Trilba Jones, Alberta Blackett Jones, Zelta Jones and Norma Jones Kay. If you can scope the photo in, look at the two beauty vehicles they had, then the one on main street and the truck across the street is at Beeline Gas. Rumor has it, that the truck remains in the Boswell family. The second photo was taken in November, 1994. From left to right are Gary, Kent, Hal, Weston and Gordon Jones. Gordon has now passed, but the four others remain beasts, or trying to be as best they can!

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