Friday, June 16, 2017

Here are some original photos of people from Mormon pioneer years.

Before we send some of these photos off to people who will put the photos with pictures on a genealogical site, we wanted to share them through the world first. The first photo is of Wm. Loray Jones(Ray) who was born in Nephi, Utah on March 2, 1887. The photo was taken when he was four, and he died a short time later on May 30, 1891. His parents are Wm. and Elizabeth Ann Tolley Jones of Nortonville, Utah. The second photo is of Lucy Kirkman, who lived in Salt Lake during Brigham Young time, and a cousin to Wm. Jones of Juab County. She was a socialite with a lot of power. When she spoke, General Authorities of the Church listened. The third photo is of Blanche Harris who married an Anderson of Orem. She is the sister of Stella Harris Boswell. The last photo is of David and Harriet Hitesman who was informed by LDS leaders to proceed to the Moroni area of Sanpete to help settle that community. They had a daughter named Eliza who married Evan Harris(born in 1860) of Nephi.


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