Tuesday, June 26, 2018

This is a shorten version of the little known LDS University of Salt Lake City, Utah

Today, it's called the LDS Business College, with 2,200 students going in and out of it's 10 story building in Salt Lake. Former names were the Salt Lake Academy; LDS University(1889-1927); LDS College and now it's the LDS Business College. We will show the four year graduates of 1908; a little history of the two Bleazard sisters, and a former University President, who was a son of Mormon President-Brigham Young. The younger Young didn't get the job because of Daddy! He went to West Point and returned years later as a Professor; in the US Army for several years becoming a Colonel, then a Brigadier General in the Utah National Guard. Willard Young also fought in the Spanish-American War, as did Teddy Roosevelt and a Juab County Black Angus rancher named Mat Howard. Now for one of the 1908 graduates of LDSU. Bertha Bleazard and her sister were born in the southeast area of the Salt Lake Valley known as Butlerville. In 1904, the family moved to Summit County, as the valley of salt was drought stricken. When they arrived in Peoa, it rained for six straight weeks. The two sisters were directed back to Salt Lake to further their education. After four years of attending the Latter Day Saints University, they graduated, then Bertha taught school, and became a Principle, being at the top of the pay scale of $60.00 a month. She passed away at age 96, but her family remembers her as a living legend of how important an education is and "living a clean life; showing what is in your heart and being good to all". We don't have enough room to put all of the photos and information from the Class of 1908, but hopefully enough to give insight to Utah's noble history.

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