Thursday, September 2, 2021


Well, as most of you know the County has sent Tax notices out.  You can fight it, just make sure you study all factors and get your ducks in a row.  I have decided to pay what is due on my grandpappy's land. What I don't understand is why Juab no longer will take Postage Stamps as payment or even Personal Checks, unless they are certified. At least we don't have to pay Hog Cholera Tax this year, so they must have cleared that up, and same thing for the Tuberculous problem. On the back it shows a total of $20.6 million is being collected and as usual, the School gets 7.3 million of it. I do feel bad for my grandfather and others who worked hard as they are getting only a half million for the Indigent fund, and the last check he got was called "Old Age" fund, which was $10.00 a month. Oh Well, do what you can to Pay Up......or else....they just may make you to take a Spanish or China Flu shot and the end will be the end of paying taxes. Rumor has it, there are no taxes in Heaven or Hell. That is only an earth thing.

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