Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Do you remember the ride of Paul Revere when he shouted "The British are coming" or the "Rough Riders" that local Mat Howard fought in Cuba with Teddy Roosevelt; how about "Remember the Alamo" or "A Day That Will Live in Infamy" or "The War to End Wars" or even the Fall of Saigon in 1975. My guess is that most won't have much of a clue other than what we may have scanned over in a History book. Well today, you ought to plan on at least recalling the many Americans that were killed by enemies of the United States. Those people had different beliefs and hated ours, wanting to invade and destroy us all. Before our own heritage; families and culture is wiped off the face off  the earth, this is a good time to bring your friends, family and yes any enemies to the Nephi City Park on 9-11 and pay respect to those who were brutally murdered by people that are still out to kill us, many of which our country leaders support. Be mindful of the enemy within. They are the real killers. It is time to stop and pay respect to real Americans who died trying to save others, like many others before us did, but soon we forget. Our wars may have just started and of all times, we need real leaders, both in our country and in our own state and locally. Let us come together as one nation in union.

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