Saturday, September 4, 2021


Nephi has always advertised itself as a Friendly City At The Crossroads Of The West. We are not sure we are as much, only because some of our own are said to be turning to the no-accounts that is arriving or becoming like that-out of greed, but we are going to keep trying to assist our rural area and good work ethics. Todays photo entries are mostly of the past, which will give some description of things and people. The brochure is outdated, such as the cover page. Mt. Nebo; Ute Stampede and Anderson Funeral Home will remain after you and I have swallowed our horse bits! Andersons is now in their 6th generation and I recently was greeted at a funeral by young Miles Anderson Jr. Prior to when it was Nebo Auto, the land belonged to Wm. Jones. Steve Greenwood became the owner, now it belongs to the White Boys. Mt. Nebo is forever and all Americans forever and ever. Other photos are of Roy Tolley with our forgotten Elk; Big Horn Sheep and Deer, before people killed off their winter habitat. There is an owl in a tree and Chris White practicing at a place we call "Canyon Hills Raceway"; Fish Springs in West Juab County; Juab Abandoned Mine Dump in Spor Mts, and then for a little extra, we plugged in a photo from the National Park Service, with "Ehp Hanks Tower" near the entrance to Capitol Gorge, named for Ephraim Hanks, an ex-bodyguard of Brigham Young, who settled on nearby Pleasant Creek. Hanks sheltered Mormon polygamists during the 1880s when United States Marshalls wanted to catch and arrest Mormon Leaders and at times some believe we are still being "hunted" by Anti-Christians.

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