Monday, September 27, 2021


Utah is the second driest state in the union, but little do tourists know that our west desert has a lot of water, ya just have to find it. We will give you a hint, then it will be up to the traveler to find it. One can start at Simpson Springs, one of the main stations of the Pony Express that ran from St. Joe, Missouri to Sacramento, California. Pony riders salary was about $125 a month and they always looked for Orphans to gallop the 60 to 120 miles between stations. The rider could take a breather at Fish Springs, a beautiful site we like to keep secret. The BLM has control of most of the western portions of Juab, Tooele and Millard Counties, but they are there to help lost souls that forget to take a spare tire, map or enough water. Other photos are of Crystal Ball Cave; Bates Family Farm and Gandy Warm Springs. Those of us that grew up round these parts like the sagebrush and rabbit brush, but also the refreshing and clean waterfalls and grassy hide a ways. Please keep it that way and grab your grub in Nephi or Nortonville Merc, which ever suits your fancy!


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