Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Branding and Doctoring Calves are not as Easy as John Wayne shows it.

A few weeks ago, the Garrett boys of Nephi's Garrett Ranching were on their way to the Bench to do a little branding and taking care of the "Doc-tering" of Bull Calves. I asked if me and my son-Troy Jones could tag along. They accepted the proposal, but we could have been more in the way, as we were only "pretend" cowboys, instead of real cattle hands. But in life, I believe we should experience as much of the world as we can, as we may not have another chance at it. They had two squeeze chutes, which I was somewhat used to, using them on Antelope Island for Buffalo Inspection and doctoring. These chutes were the kind you get the bovine headlocked in and then lay the whole chute down to brand them. That is normally easy, but when at 1500 lb. new bull comes in, that takes more biceps than I had years ago. The first photo shows me holding the calves leg down while Troy attempts to "Doctor" the bull calf. Russ Garrett is standing there encouraging the calf to break away from us. Tyson Garrett is playing role of Fred Chapman with his camera while Kyle, Travis and Bob Garrett are laughing at the two rookie Circus. The second photo shows me, the "old bull" being outwitted by the young calve and taking me head on. I guess we never get younger, just older and more slow. Anywho, the job got done.

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