Friday, May 20, 2022


Now a days, photos are a little deceptive. New technology can modify the faces and the bodies. The photo of Glade and Lucy Sander is somewhat deceiving, as it doesn't reflect the humor, vim, vigor and vitality of Lucy. She had all of that and more. And Glade had more wit than his dry remarks when he was High Counsel speaker for Juab LDS Stake and put even teenagers to sleep. But if  you look closely at the photo of Glade you can see that he has something up his sleeve. Regardless of anything, they remain high on the ladder of success and for their love of people and family. And if you  know their son Kirk, he has the dry wit of Lucy. It ain't Decoration Day yet, but since I ran across this invite to their 50th Wedding Anniversary of 23 years ago, it is time to sing to their praise. And hats off to Ileen for keeping up the blooming beauty of the yard that Glade was so proud of, and for big Sis Linda, the stabilizer in the family. And if you saw Merrill at the bedside of Glade during his last days on earth, you know that Merrill is a happy camper he is with his Dad again. 

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