Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Although Jack Hansen is from Centerfield, we are going to still call him a "local" as his grandmother is a born and raised Nephite-Jaynette Jones Grimard. Jack is a Senior with the Gunnison Bulldogs and recently won First place in the State Championship Long Jump, at 20 feet and 10 inches. Through the years, it has been fun to watch athlete who is the son of Matt and Kami Hansen. He was one of the stars as a Quarterback for the Football Team and did basketball as well. He may not have scored as many points as I watched Gary Hill do at Gunnison more than 60 years ago as an Assistant Water Boy, but when it is family, it is exciting to see one excel in any activity. He was good at football, and not quite like his Uncle Kent Jones at Juab High, who was the third string quarter back for the football team, during a time they only had enough guys for a full string, so me and the bench became butt close friends! He did well at the State Championship, a place where I was usually found like the second phone of Jack-behind police barriers! Onward and upward Jack. You are an Alpha Bull Dog.

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