Thursday, May 12, 2022


It has been a few decades since I visited Snow College, but on an invitation from nephew-Tanner Jones, I felt compelled to attend. Although it was good to see him among a thousand kids to graduate, I nearly suffered a "church stroke" listening to all of the speeches of political folks patting themselves on the back for what some attendees think did zero for Snow. Ever since the LDS Church got tired of teaching "personal hygiene" to farm boys, they turned it over to the Utah government, which may or may not have made it worse. After the ceremony, I spoke to an Alumni friend who maintains there were so many Cum Laude students who took the tests on the computer and if they had the wrong answer, the computer would prompt them into correcting it. Regardless, Tanner Jones was straight A at Juab High, so he may have well deserved and earned his Cum Laude rating, which used to be Latin for "Great Honor". Not sure, but I think I was awarded something in 1st grade for "Great Dishonor" as I remember my mother walking me to apologize to the teacher. And throughout my "Hire" Education, things got worse, so I will tip my hat to Tanner, but not to the obnoxious few who wouldn't acknowledge the US flag and decorated their hats and carried their own country flags through the line. They even posed for my photo, but I burned it. As the graduates passed my chair, I could see that some things change in life and others don't. It used to be that graduates had to dress in Sunday go to meetin attire, but the gals wore mini dresses, with not much else on. Yes, I am still a man, but come on! First photo is of first Snow College building and Kool Hippy Vans driven my old farts; cemetery photo is of a gal that was a best friend while at Snow-Karen Reid. I also had to say Hi to Professor Armstrong in the same area, who had a lot of patience with me and a Levan kid for making stink bombs. Snow is still attracting rural kids from Utah, so in my opinion a great place to send your kid, but don't have them live in the "Raccoon House", but it had a lot of escapes when Krampus Kops came looking for the Jones boys.


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