Monday, June 13, 2022


We know this is the day Weston was born, but not sure of the exact year, other than it was during World War Two. His father is Alma Jones, who was a "confirmed bachelor" past 40, but hurried home to get hitched to LaVon Harris, both of Nephi, Utah. LaVon loved being a Secretary and wanted to be that for the rest of her life and was. After going through their recently discovered love letters of War Time, we now know it was pure love. It must have been the good water of Mt. Nebo they were drinking, as 9 months and a week after they married, along comes the Juab County Stork with a ten pound baby named Weston. They kept drinking the same clean water, as another Stork arrived with another ten pound baby they named Hal; then Kent, another heavy weight, then Gary. LaVon had no other choice except to tie the older boys to a runner on the clothes line as she was washing a ton of diapers all the time. A couple "mishaps" later, along comes their dream child of a girl we call Jaynette. She was spoiled at first, but then she could out shoot her brothers and outride the mustang Weston got from Joe Garrett from West Juab. Looking back, the Juab Cowboys of the West caught the horses at no expense to the taxpayer, which now costs the BLM millions and millions of your dollars. Anywho, Weston was our leader and made sure his rough little brothers kept us in line with our sister and she is now the caregiver of the family that we appreciate. And Weston, we have checked all the available criminal dockets and you were never charged with any of those shenanigans' as a teenager. Not even Sheriff Ray Jackson when you outran him in your 1959 blue Chevy Impala, but I watched him take you up the street and kick you in the ass and told you if you ever did that again, he would tell your Dad. You done did good, joining the Air Force during Viet Nam, then more than twenty years in the National Guard. You raised great kids and taught them work ethics, and one of these years, they are going to teach you how to actually gut and lean a deer, instead of just shooting em and leaving the rest to your little brothers. Have a good birthday Wes. You earned it. Photo is of  the Jones family home which was built in 1885 and still occupied by Jaynette. The business card is one of the many jobs Weston did over 60 years of work. If you see Wes, wish him a happy one. The average age of the five Jones kids are now 75. We are in the twilight of our years on earth but we have collectively seen the good and the evil of the world and Nephi is no longer the rural town it used to be when we were too young to know and now too old to change it. And if any of the City leaders who tell you there's plenty of water, they are dam liars. And neither is it a peaceful place, but one hell of a lot better than what we have seen in the USA.                             

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