Wednesday, June 22, 2022


Some marriages seem to have been made in Heaven; some in Hell, and then some are determined to make that bond last "come hell or high water". And for others like me, marriage and dancing were an  impossible dream, but at least I tried and even took ballroom dancing at Snow College but failed when I stepped on the teachers Polio foot! In most marriages, there has to be give and take on both sides and nobody really teaches that sort of thing until you are hog tied! The good thing about Wes and Sondra(I call her No. One) is they both had fathers that were devoted to working hard and mothers that were devoted to the kids. One father was a farmer and the other a Sheep Herder. Weston and No. One have taught their four kids the same principle of work ethics and they have made great grandparents as well. The kids are Shane, Travis, Number Two and Number Three. Weston may not invite you to be on their second honeymoon trip, but they are accepting Two Dollar bills as Go Fun Me account, but I get a ten percent administrative kickback! Happy 52nd Anniversary when men and women dressed the part of an important event.. 

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