Thursday, June 22, 2023


 A couple of months prior to his 1994 death of a heart attack, Erza Taft Benson of the LDS church asked his Chauffeur and Security guard that he wanted to see American Fork Canyon for the last time, as he thought that was one of the most beautiful canyons there was. I was fishing in the area, and came to the car as I thought they were having medical issues. I sensed that his death was near and he stopped only to admire one of God's greatest Canyons. Little did he know that at the top was Tibble Fork and government and construction people decided to make it bigger so that more people could move there and take up more water and natures beauty. However, some of the old miners of the area knew the construction would disturb the poison silt and slough at its bottom and I even spoke to a Foreman to no avail. Money talks and Sense doesn't and so all of the fish died from what Americans had to pay for. Sure enough, I fished Tribble Fork and although the State Fish and Game say they had planted thousands of fish there, none could be found. I felt that President Benson must have felt something, as the American Fork Canyon is still pretty, but the people that drive up and down the road seem to be trying out for the Indy 500, as they race up to Tibble Lake, then race down, with no consideration for bikers on the roads or the people that want to have a "Bish Bellestion" pleasant drive. Most of the campgrounds are destroyed because of the floods, and walking along the road to fish is dangerous, as large man holes are big enough to suck folks down in the middle of the road. Us old timers used to believe the best Sunday drive us up to Dad and Sons, but we now hear the Forest Service wants more money and work less and even tore up some of the campgrounds the Nephi Eagle Scouts and 4-H  took care of.  Oh well, that's what a government can do when it doesn't earn money, but demand it from us the real workers. The good news is that the German Brown fish are tough and some of them survived but the one I caught still had diapers on it, so I threw it back for another day. It survived. We also took a photo of the BYU shirt and two pants from a party place. We left them there, but removed the name of the XXL Shirt. And Yes, we disposed of your socks and other stuff too!

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