Sunday, June 4, 2023


In the 1950's and 60's, Utah became famous in the Sports world with the three Fullmer brothers boxing their way to the top and Gene Fullmer made us proud as they were true Utah kin. In watching Gene train, he purposely took a lot of hits to wear out his opponents, then would do the knock out punch to put him the Middleweight champion of the world. In getting to personally know Gene, about the only thing he would have changed is that their fame destroyed the rural farming community that everybody wanted to move to, running agriculture out of the area. Although many city folks are unaware of the last of true American sports, the Wright family of Beaver County are doing everything the Right Way, and like our Little Leaguer's, American's are starting to appreciate the rural way to have fun and make a living at it. Tonight in Santa Maria, California, more than a hundred thousand dollars is up for the taking. And there is a great chance the Wright Saddle Bronc family will share that as Stu, Spencer, Rusty, Ryder, Staler and Stetson Wright will be there to buck it right. Although Stetson is scheduled to ride "Purmeanother", he may be more in the Spirit to tell his Dad-Cody, to Pour Me Another"!  We will also be cheering for Goshen's Hayes Weight, who has Nephi relatives as does Allen Boore. And like the Ute Stampede, it is the Flying U that is bringing in their good and mean Stock. Utah news don't like to report Rodeos or the Iditarod, but better enjoy them until Politician's discard the last of them. While in the 6th grade, Justin Jones interviewed Gene Fullmer and was asked "Who was your strongest fighter, and without any thought, Gene Fullmer responded by saying "With my wife". He and the Wright family remain true sport hero's from Utah. Strong but Silent.

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