Tuesday, June 13, 2023


If you are a new move in to Juab County, or only been here for twenty or thirty years, you may not be familiar with Linda, but those who did know her would quickly recognize one of Gods chosen elites. Her folks were Glade and Lucy Sanders who ran the Garrett Honda Sales in Nephi, which folks from the Intermountain West would travel to buy their brand new Honda 50's, which out did the Tote Gotes of yesteryear. Their gas station and "Penny Candy" store was across the street from the park. Back in the 40's it was started with Rob and Erma Jones Garrett, and they lived in a small apartment shack behind "The Serv". Kirk, a brother was the mechanic genius while other family members and friends shared a coke by the pot belly stove. Although some things in life move slow, near deaths and deaths in this family seemed fast and furious, almost like one couldn't live without the others. Like a bad wind, a Cancer can blow in a bad storm and a good life is called home. Linda lived in Rupert, Idaho, but was constantly in Nephi to check on all family members and now Ilene Sanders is the last, so if you are up to it, she would love a visit. Through out my own life, I have always known that the real jewel of a person is not how much money; talk; fancy clothes or degrees they have, but the love and heartfelt kindness they pack inside. Linda was always that way, and found a loving husband and both created the same with their four kids. Linda, we will miss you and yours at the Ute Stampede this year and every year. But know this, at least from your cousins, "Well done, My Good And Faithful Servant". Last page of the program was read by a granddaughter and composed by all grandchildren

1 comment:

  1. Well said ... nice tribute. Linda was really nicer than I ever thought possible. "Well done" is right!
