Friday, May 10, 2024


Over the years things have changed, and CHANGE is the biggest challenge we all have to accept and deal with in life on earth. The FFA club was an important part of learning important skills of life and agriculture. Some of the best teachers of the past who took medals of honor seldom were broadcasted in the news, but we all knew it was a great Club. Big J(Jim Anderson) and Little J (with great respect) Jay Dalley were great leaders and spent extra time teaching young boys how to grow up and in doing so, brought home Trophies(but sad to say), they had no room at the new Juab High School, and were taken to the Junkyard, even though the rooms at the old gym remain empty with plenty of room. Never mind, but look what we found the other day. I now look at the names and sad to say many of our great teachers have now passed to the other side, and in attending the funeral of Jay Dalley, I have to pay special respect, as he not only taught my aged kids about life, he taught his own kid the same greatest who just passed. They now permit girls to join, as they lost interest in the FHA club, but in our days of the early 1960's, I am not sure the girls or the School Board would want to permit us to castrate lambs by the same method of yesteryear, using a knife and our teeth to do the necessary "Doctoring". In 1969 girls were allowed to join the club, but few or seen as farmers that farm. 

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