Sunday, May 19, 2024


The Nephi Jones kids grew up in a family with little money. However, we always found fun, food and laugh with our great parents and her four brothers who hatched more than 10 pounds each. It must have been a whale of a Stork that flew in! As kids, we were like other boys in the rural town of Nephi, and wore Bib Overalls, just like the farmers, as we knew that was to grow in, and we would just roll the cuffs up which lasted a long time. We got along as we had different friends, who accepted us even though we may not have the they did. We could always hitch a ride to swim at Burrastons; swim and shoot Carp with our reels attached to Bow arrows. On the five male trek back to Nephi, we would pick up coke and beer bottles along the way, and often get a ride with one of our parents; Jack Howard or Bish Belleston that came along when it was highway 91.We often "thanked God" for the folks throwing the bottles out, as we knew they were driving in to Nephi for a stop, and afraid Jack Brough; Howard Brown; Sam Sperry or Ray Jackson was in wait, but few accidents were related to booze.We took the Pop Bottles to Aunt Erma at The Serv for 2 cents each, and the Beer bottles to the IGA for a Penny each. Being brought up in the LDS Church, we leaned the power of prayer, so of course I thanked God for the Beer drinkers! For kids that couldn't afford the cost of Baseball shirts, we would use boards and rocks to play baseball, and that is when I started getting my deadly Head Concussions. At the Old Hollow, the whole herd of town kids knew they could show up anytime on Saturday, where there were no homes, and we played Cowboys and Indians. Kids without dough could make a pistol out of a of board or knife or spear out of wood. Many of us only got shot in the hand like Roy Rogers or Gene Autry did at the Venice, and could keep fighting. When a kid had to go home, other fresh reinforcement would show up. Other days at the Central School,we would play Marbles or Jacks with the girls, as we would be teased by the boys, but the girls kept looking better for some of us! Before they got Weded, the parents of the Jones boys, Alma was set on farming in Nortonville and LaVon  thought typing was were cut of Tea, and as youngsters, taught us boys as long as she wouldn't spread the word to our male buddies. The heavy set Stork somehow made the trip to our home about every 9 and a half months dropping off 10 pound bouncing boys. After trouble with medical issues -Maggie Veera was born, but as a young age she died, and along came LaVon, and the folks were happy, but us boys weren't. How is she going to ride a horse and deliver papers and wear a dam dress. Well, she wanted to be like us and hid her dam dolls and learned how to ride a horse better than us boys, and on her return to the 1885 Jones house, she not only made the house and yard beautiful, but could ride a horse backwards better than any of her brothers and still dressed up as pretty as her cousin-Tara Garrett, so as brothers, we all got together to thank her and she headed off to Nevada with her own good kids and grandkids. It is an all girls outing, so she may call one of her girlfriends left behind for.......BAIL MONEY. The photo below show weston trying to get Jaynette & girlfriend to be pushed over a back of a "loving brother"

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