Sunday, May 5, 2024


I don't listen to the TV News, and no paper, but I thought I would at least go to the Chapel to make sure we paid my grandfathers full tithing to the LDS Church. He died in 1947, a few weeks before I was born, but since I have his middle name, I thought I would do as he was said to be a very religious man, and would never speak unkindly of people, saying "If you couldn't speak good words of somebody, it is better to to say nothing". Well, working in various governments where Politician's are supposed to be Servants of the People instead of Servants of Themselves, I have had 46 Years of called many of them loafer's from Hell. Sorry Grandpa, but I like to be honest and that just may be the reason 3 out of 4 Governor's didn't like me writing Constitute letters for them. My Grandpa-Wm. Jones never believed in working on the Sabbath either. The only exception was to get the horses out of the Mire or to feed them. I got thinking about that, and decided to go feed the neighbors horses as their tender was in Church and they were stuck in the mud. On my return, the Horse Gal told me that Church was canceled as a Bad Guy was on the loose. I then went back to check the sheds with a Pitchfork. No bad folks, but it was a good day as I punched a Raccoon out of the Oats. I wonder if the bad guy was the same man wandering around the now vacant house by Burraston? Tens of Thousands Illegals are already in America, and many have been told by our Federal folks, who have our hard earned dollars-that they should go to Utah, and to rural towns where "good" Christians live! They should have reminded those free loafers that many of us carry concealed weapons and more than what Barney Fife carried. Back to Church now. In going through the papers of William Jones, I found that the LDS Church may actually owe my Grandpa .35 cents, as he paid $1.00 for tithing, but his Old Age Assistance(before Social Security) had been reduced to $7.50 a month. I can't call Bishop A.E. Smith anymore, but knowing or feeling Will's kindness, I think we will  chalk it up as gift to the new Nephi, Utah Temple but don't celebrate yet. It is just my own revelation, not the official vision from the Prophet.

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