Friday, May 24, 2024


I am very much a Trump supporter and even sent him a hundred dollar check when he first ran for President. But I went in to the County Offices and filled out another voting registration form. I am now an Independent Voter and can still vote for whom I choose, and put unlisted phone number. But they reminded me it didn't take effect until after the General Election. So the Spammers are having a hay day! I suppose that some of the callers are only doing it so they may have a chance at getting a high paying job for themselves, so they can learn the tricks and trades of those Politicians. For ne, I will stick to being Independent, and hopefully that will keep the Political Spammers away. I get about 1 to 2 a day and if I have't already got their name and number listed, I try to Block them or just Delete. One of the biggest pains of the past were calls from either volunteers or paid supporters' of Owens, now theirs people calling saying they are merely doing research. That was from one named Jim Luce, but some of the text give a number to call to get your money. Be careful out there, and yes some of those scammers are from people you may know, as they get .25 cents just for calling. My old flip phone doesn't display videos, but one guy named Nielson wont get my vote because of the telephone scam he does. Oh well, it is important to Vote, just don't get sucked in like many did with slow joe


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