Sunday, August 6, 2017

A little history of this Nephi, Utah home we will call the Sperry Home.

From the 1940's to the 70's, this was the Nephi home of Lawrence and Lucy(Jackman) Sperry. They raised a son and daughter there, with the son's(Mike) room being a small room upstairs. Prior to them living there, it was the home of Johnny Sperry and it is unclear who built the home, but it was during pioneer times, with hand carved logs being used for the original structure. Lawrence and Lucy grew tired of farm work in Furner Valley, so they moved in to the family house and added rooms, with Lawrence using vehicle license plates and old bed frames to fortify new cement. In an examination of the structure, we found four separate times it was remodeled, and once, they just covered the front door and windows. It ended up with four stories in this abode. We know that although it was a small home, there was a lot of love shared, with neighbors; family; friends, and the nearby railroad depot made it easy for people to visit. Dwellers throughout the 137 years of the home shows visitor Eddie Arnold(not the singer); Cazier's; Flometa and Claude Tolley and Angus Ingram. The first photo shows the original front door being on the south side, so one could step out and gaze at Mt. Nebo; the second photo is what it looked like in recent years; the third is of the front room.

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