Monday, August 14, 2017

Betty Lou Ostler is the Juab County version of Baseball great Yogi Berra sayings!

Technically speaking, I attended the funeral earlier today of Betty Lou Ostler, of Juab County, Utah. Truthfully speaking, it appeared more like a celebration of life. Not only was she born of goodly parents in Levan, but she married a great Nephi farmer, and they became goodly parents; grandparents; neighbors and just plain good folks. Even the Ute Stampede became better because of her 50 years helping with that annual rodeo. In baseball, Yogi Berra became famous, not just as a catcher and winning manager, but for his quotes, such as "It ain't over til it's over". In Juab County, Betty Lou often used quotes which most of us heard and grew up with, so they are printed with the speaker giving me permission to do so. And little does people in Nephi know-Betty Lou has a great granddaughter that could compete in "Americas Got Talent" and beat the dickens out of any other 16 year old singer. Betty Lou, you are now with Art, and a happy couple again, so you can start a heavenly garden together. Yes, they do have spiritual rhubarb on the other side!

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