Sunday, August 20, 2017

"Stupid is as stupid does". In other words, dont watch the Eclipse tomorrow.

While driving to Salt Lake last week, I noticed two UDOT signs over 1-15 which were putting drivers on notice that law enforcement officers were present for the next ten miles and enforcing the law. They were tactful, but in reality, it was a speed trap with a noble slow us down. I slowed, but the guy on my left took it as an incentive to kick it up a notch and speed more. Sure enough, UHP had several officers stopping speedsters who couldn't read and use logic! It reminded me of a saying "When you are dead, you won't even know that you are dead. It's a pain only felt by others. Same thing when you are stupid". Instead of taking a chance in watching the Eclipse tomorrow, regardless of how good the protective glasses are, I found an idea which may be less harmful. It is from the Juab County 4-H club of 1937. Just a thought.

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