Thursday, August 17, 2017

In rural Utah, the Juab County Fair is over for another year, and was as good as any.

For 155 years, Juab County puts on a great fair and this year was no different. Rather than concentrate on any one event, I examined the process of the several day "Blue Ribbon Bash". I was awe struck by the many volunteers that were involved with it's success. It reminded me of a family or class reunion as there is so much preparation with details, yet most people seldom see the hard work by the volunteer staff. I assume others were just as proud of their blue ribbons as I was of the two I received. My $6.00 was not as much as what the road rage warriors received within the controlled violence of the derby, but I was excited to slowly drive away with a ribbon. My straw hat goes off to those people that give their time, talent and effort for a great cause. I even appreciated the Judges, who gave me a blue ribbon, and wrote a note on how my perfect wildflowers could be even more perfect! That was like a good football coach, wanting to make you better, even if you did just score the winning touchdown. During my Fair wanderings, I decided to search for one over all number one blue ribbon display, and couldn't find it......... until today. I had to hurry home and get my camera and return to take a photo of this painting which said so much. The painting was completed by Greg Ingram, Nephi's version of Leonardo da Vinci. It was displayed at his funeral today, and one of the speakers spoke of how Greg volunteered to paint murals for the County Fair people and always around to help others. Today is a two for one day and with no fare. I say thanks to all the volunteers of the Juab County Fair, but also to Greg Ingram. He receives the blue ribbon of life.

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