Sunday, August 6, 2017

Here are the facts of least at my stage of the game!

Anyone who thinks that life is bliss is sadly mistaken. The fact is that most big bucks get away; most beef is tough; most children grow up to be just people; most successful relationships require a high degree of mutual tolerance and most jobs are often more dull than otherwise. Life is more like a stagecoach ride of yesteryear...sometimes it rains; there are delays; smoke; dust; shotgun rider spittin chew on you; and using leaves as toilet paper. Once in awhile, however, you will see beautiful clear skies; rolling puffy clouds; get thrilling bursts of speed, smell the rich aroma of sagebrush; and smile, once you realize the many good people that crossed your path, and the fun things you did that you got away with. The trick to enjoying life is to give thanks to God for providing you this short journey of life, not necessarily the destination. None of us will make it out of here alive...enjoy and savor every precious moment. When you see a rainbow, somebody from on high is letting you know they are there.

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