Saturday, May 26, 2018

Gettyburg or at the new Mona Veterans Memorial-one can't help but say thanks.

If you have American blood running through your veins, it is difficult to hurry through the battle sites of Gettysburg, where 50,000 American casualties occurred. The somber feeling is the same at the new Veterans Memorial in the Mona, Utah cemetery, which they will dedicate this 2018 Memorial Day. Alone I stood, then knelt and cried, giving thanks to all those who serve to protect my individual and collective rights of this great country. After inquiring, I discovered that one of the volunteer committee members, without notes, recited the entire Gettysburg address, and others were so moved, the words are inscribed there. I thought of my personal hero's of Fort Wainwright; Fort Sill, Fort Carson, Fort Bragg, Fort Sam Houston and Salt Creek Fort. Some gave their all for you and I. The 9th Infantry Division of the United States have been called the "Old Reliable's" since World War One and with just cause! I give thanks to Lt. Hal Moore of the 9th Infantry, and a Juab County medic of the same 9th, for the lifes he saved on the front lines of Viet Nam. I salute all of you who served and your family who endured. For those who survived the physical battle, the head battle continues!

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