Monday, May 21, 2018

Nephi, Utah has lost one with "A Life Time of Service". Our tribute to Annette Kendall.

Annette Howarth Kendall was a true Nephite from the get go. Both her mother and father had early pioneer names, as does her three kids. She also possessed the pioneer spirit of service to others, regardless of who they are or where they were. She basically raised three kids on her own, and in doing so, went to college and became a registered nurse, serving locally for more than 45 years. But her service didn't stop at retirement, as she became an EMT for the ambulance people and a "bleacher bum" in support of grandkids and neighbor kids. I became acquainted with Annette while she volunteered her time and talents with the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. She felt the only way to understand the future was to study and preserve the past, and instrumental to document and categorize the thousands of artifacts donated to the DUP museum. If you went when Annette was there, you could get a free "two for one"! Not only could she tell you the history of the people in Juab County, but still had the nurse knowledge and tell you how to fix any physical ailment or "itises" you had. In her final days of life on earth, she reminded family and friends not to worry, using her famous quote of "it all will be alright". Well done Annette.

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