Saturday, May 19, 2018

We are in search of "Mrs. Majors", a wife of Pony Express Co-Founder-Alexander Majors!

We know that Alexander Majors was one of the three co-founders of the Pony Express riders going from Sacramento to St. Joseph, Missouri, with the pony riders having various stops in West Juab County, such as Simpson Springs. What we don't know is how the Nephi, Utah Jones family came in possession of the 1902 Webster Dictionary, with the stamp of "Mrs. Majors" on the inside flap. While going through the weathered but well persevered book, we found a newspaper clipping, which we believe may have been from a Kansas City paper printed in 1887. The article gives a short history of Alexander Majors and the Pony Express. Computer research shows Mr. Majors was married twice and had more than a dozen kids. We don't have factual evidence that "Mrs. Majors" was the same as the family of the Pony Express leader, but we will donate the 608 page book to the Nephi City Library, for use in their historical section, then some day a bright student may show finger oil proof of its true owner. For a little color, we threw in the black and white photos of the worlds greatest Lexicographers, but you will need a dictionary to figure what they are! The reverse side of the paper clipping has an article about "The Green Corn Stamp Dance as Celebrated by the Creek Indians".

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