Friday, May 25, 2018

It only seems like yesterday when they graduated......the Class of 1916!

The "Jayhawker" was an important machine for stacking loose hay a hundred years ago, so the student body so named the year book for Nephi High of 1916. We have shown the School Board and the thirty two graduates of that year, including my Aunt-Alberta Blackett Jones. Sponsers were needed to publish the yearbook, so we included Lunt's Pharmacy and a prescription in the book for a certain "powder for pain". A.E. Gibson wrote the news for the Juab County Times, then became the head writer for The Times News. If you came for graduation, park the horse and wagon in the Livery Stable, then on the way home, get some coal from my grandfather-Evan Harris. If the Forrest Hotel was full, go an extra few miles and stay at the Christensen Hotel in Levan, Utah.

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