Thursday, May 24, 2018

Remember Dean and Bertha Winn of Nephi, Utah! If you don't, we will remind you.

For some reason, the name of Chad Winn keeps coming up going through family documents, so we wanted to share our limited knowledge of Chad and his parents-Dean and Bertha Winn. Chad's name was recently seen on donated pioneer Sacrament vessels(Second photo) in the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum; Chad was a Juab County Commissioner; school teacher; LDS Bishop; Missionary; Auctioneer and member of an LDS Stake Presidency on or about Sept. 20, 1986. Now back to his parents. Bertha Neuffer Winn was born in Mapleton, Idaho; her parents being Charles and Christine Wanner Neuffer. For a better education, the Neuffer family moved to Preston and she loved school. As a teenager, she worked for George Winn, at a Grocery and Meat Market. At the time, the Idaho Winn family experienced heart ache, loosing loved ones to the epidemic-Asian Flu. However, Bertha met a lot of good people, and fond of the Winn family. On one occasion, Dean and brother Bert Winn visited the Idaho store. Dean and Bertha first developed friendship which blossomed in to love. Dean was born in Nephi during the harvest season of 1899, a son of Samuel R. and Elizabeth Stanley Winn. He had four brothers and five sisters. Dean graduated from Nephi High, and on Feb. 9, 1921, Dean and Bertha were married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. They lived in Nephi, and the pictured home is where they raised their kids, and the same home that Chad and Vernice now live. We are not really sure, but that home may have been previously owned by the Harry Sperry family, or so a scribbled note shows. The kids of Dean and Bertha are Keith; DeVon; Joyce(Allan); Dolores(Carter) Melba(Cook); Chad and Christine(Nielson). Dean and Bertha also helped to raise a niece(Beulah Bullard) after the mother died. As I recall, Dean Winn was not just a hard working rancher, but active in the community as Farm Bureau President; Juab County Fair Board Chief, but also active in his church. Bertha raised the kids, but a great ranch hand, as during the ten years she and Dean lived on the Russell Farm, she cooked for the hired men; knew how to cut hay, and often seen leading the derrick horse, then tromping the hay. Although her work was strenuous, she was a happy camper doing it all and spread her cheer to others. She was also very active in the LDS Church, being in Primary; MIA; Secretary of the Relief Society in the early 1950's and carried a good tune in the choir when a teenager. The Winn's are Juab County Blue Ribbon winners!

1 comment:

  1. The order of birth of their children was Keith, DeVon, Joyce, Dolores, Melba, Chad, and Christine. The niece they helped raise was Beulah (Bullard).
