Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Back to School for the Class of 65, but photos from 1956-Third Grade.

Students can't wait to get out of school in the Juab School District, and the summer goes by so fast. So we are back, but this time the Juab High Class of 65 is show with teacher Mrs. Gadd, a favorite of 3rd graders. She lived walking distance from the school at Second North and Second East. Top row starting from the left are Gloria Gean Gustin; Joan Barton; Shelia Sperry; Betty Jo Greenhalgh; Susan Broadhead, then the second row is Carol Ostler; Linda Lou Corbin; Barbara Houghton; Dennis Paxman; Clayton Anderson; Earl Bolton: unknown; Connie Kendall; Linda Draper; Marilyn Christensen and the teacher Mrs. Gadd. She delivered good lessons and her husband was Fred Gadd, who delivered good letters for Post Office. Next row down from left is Deann Anderson; Claudia Smith; Marilyn Worwood; Georgia Howard; Ann Hall; Kent Jones; Randy Sperry; Kent Worthington; Betty Ann Worwood; Kay Wilkey; Don Johnson; Kent Jarrett; Robert Harmon; Norman Jarrett; Bradley Brough(he was never as mean as he looked there); Creig Tidwell, Gean Sperry, Bruce Bean and Roger Stowell.

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