Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Happy Birthday Weston A. Jones of Nephi, Utah

Wes, I know you are my older brother, but I ain't goin give your exact age, as I still fear you will beat me up again, or hold my head in that old 50 gallon drum of water we used to play in. I do appreciate you teaching me how to swim in the Salt Creek pools below the Utah Poultry though. The last thing I rcall was you throwing me in shouting "Sink or Swim". When I hit the bottom I was trying to figure out what to do! I decided to swim and I think both me and Hal became good at it, so you must have done the same thing with him. However, I think you met your match in Viet Nam, when you called out the other Airman, and he pushed you up against the wall. I have been proud of you not only for how you honored Mom and Dad, but your due diligence in both the Air Force, the National Guard and still a working stiff. You have also taught your kids the same work ethics. And by the way, I finally found those receipts you asked me about fifty years ago. The Garrett Brothers paid the down payment for your Columbia Bike, but I am still confused, as I am not sure how you are going to help Joe herd cattle with a bike!  Hey, your not Fred Chapman, but did take a great photo of Mt. Nebo the day it blew its stack for taking too much water away from Chief Big Elk, Running Deer, Nebona and the Great Wakunda. First photo is of Gary, Hal, Jaynette, Kent, Weston-the clan kids of Alma and LaVon Jones.

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