Sunday, June 10, 2018

Today is a Sunday-your day of rest. Rest up before you have to see all those political signs again!

I am sure it is going on throughout America, but here in Juab County, Utah, we seem to have a big blitz of political signs on lawns, street corners and wherever we shop. So we thought we would make it a little more fun for you tomorrow, and go back to yore, as politics sometimes never changes, only the faces and names. In 1940, many of those running for office in Juab County didn't put up signs, but advertised in the local paper, or handed out business cards, like the two we found in our political history box.  E. F. Birch put a little extra personal touch on his card "Your Support Is Appreciated". When Bent Bryan ran for office on the Democratic Ticket, he had some heavy hitters with him if you were doing a straight ballot, with U.S. Senator William H. King, who was from Fillmore; Supreme Court Justice; and President Pro Tempore of the Senate. We also scanned our copies of The Times News from 1976 and duplicated the ads to "Keep Young-Vote Young" and Thorpe Waddingham. For the rural Counties of Juab and Millard, we had strong voices that ran the United States.

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