Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Time really flys when you are having fun, and I did in the Fourth Grade of 1957.

The teacher was Earl Bowles, like his brother-Jay Bowles. Together they taught us a lot of book learning, but lessons of life that hung with us. Earl just got out of the military fighting for our freedom, and I quickly learned to respect his iron hand, but loving heart.Top row from the left is Kathleen Anderson; Ann Hall; Shirley Howard; Gloria Jean Gustin; Gean Sperry; Clyde Gowers; Cliff Howard, Barbara Houghton; Annette Johnson, Verna Butler; Barbara Madson; Judy Jackson.  Second row from left sits  Mary Lou Hintze, Kathleen Worthington; unknown; Kay Wilkey; Terry Tumbridge; Carol Ostler; Connie Kendall; Linda Draper; Linda Lou Corbin; Kathleen Carter. Bottom row from left is Kent Jones and sitting next to him is a life long pal-Steven Wilson. Then comes Michael Stewart, Morris the Wright; Johnny Overman; Michael Morgan; Gary Howard, Dennis Truscott, Robert Harmon and Lynn Greenhalgh. I recall this year that all in that class were as close as family members. It is just the way of the Class of 65 always have been.

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