Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The long hot sulty summer of 1957 is over; now we get to go back to school.

At about age ten, if you can't afford to get in Little League, one gets to start mowing lawns or driving a tractor to pick up hay. One is too young to buck a bale, but can drive a tractor or pull the canvas dam to irrigate. Regardless, it was good to get back to the 5th grade. Mr. Bracken was the teacher, and a good one at that. He was also a great man and willing to help you in all walks of life, even if he was the one that signed your draft notice. The photo is of his class in the Juab School District of Nephi, Utah. We are only going from what we remember, so if you know the people or the correct spelling, let us know. Starting on the top row from the left is Cheri Ostler; Susan Broadhead; Linda Lou Corbin(I think);Gloria Jean Gustin; Cliff Howard; unknown; Carl Howard; Bruce Beal; Carl Parkin. Second row from left is unknown; Ann Carter; Marilyn Christensen; not real sure; Marilyn Worwood; Carol Linda Tracy; Floy Jenkins; Shelia Sperry and Becky Stuart. Front row from left is Clifford Boswell, Robert Painter; not sure but Jimmy Goode maybe; Kent Jones; Norman Jarrett; Earl Bolton; Lynn Greenhalgh and Dale Bailey.

We also threw in some of 1965 graduation cards; photo of Connie Kendall(eight and 1/2 years old) Miss Gadd's third grade on May 16.

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