Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Stella Boswell "kept us clean" since 1929!

Today, we stroll back a 100 years and give insight in the life of Stella Harris Boswell of rural Utah. I thought of her when we went to her business location known as Nephi Cleaners which is now the studio for Livingston Photography. When I gazed at the 1986 copy of "The Times News" about Stella, I couldn't help recall the days in the 1950's when the young Jones boys kept coal in the hopper to create the steam to make sure Stella kept people looking clean in Juab County. It is difficult to explain how Stella and I are related, as our pioneer links go back to the 1850's when rural Nephi was settled by Mormon pioneers. Stella is my first cousin via the Harris family; but also a cousin by the Tolley family, and married in the Boswell family, who have also been here since the get go. We will share information, then ship what we have to Rachelle Humble of Washington, who is the "gatherer" of documents of the Nephi Harris family which are in the thousands. In conclusion, Stella was a business woman before her time! She raised great kids on her own; kept customers clean; civic minded and very Christ-like, just like her parents; grandparents and great grandparents. Stella lived in the home below where Cache Valley Bank now is, which house was moved there from Eureka at the end of the West Juab mining boom. The handkerchief date is Dec. 22, 1918. Read happy, as Stella is!

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