Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Whittlin' is a play performed in Nephi about 70 years ago.

Before we had TV, many folks went to plays and dramas, such as this play put on by the Nephi Third Ward of the LDS church in Nephi, Utah. We suspect it was in the middle 1940's. It was put on in the Old North Ward chapel. We found it among the various documents of LaVon Jones. Earlier today, we spoke with Jim Stephenson(son of Harold) who played the role of "a boy of the village" and he recognized the playbook, and Jim was old enough to learn and speak his part. The pencil marks of who played the parts is very faded, but Jim was able to produce all of the characters. Hopefully, Hollywood will contact Jim and give him a chance to play the role of the village boy, although he is now all done growed up!

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